Blogger recognition award



1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog

2. Write a post to show your award

3. Give a brief story of how your blog started

4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers

5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to

6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them & provide the link to the post you created

I was nominated by Tabi Bee, an amazing blogger who posts a variety of posts such as DIYs, baking videos and lifestyle posts! You should definitely check out her blog if your not already!

How my blog started…

So this blog is relatively new, I mean, I only started it in mid-december 2016 (about three weeks ago) and really it was because I was just starting the CHristmas holidays and had very little work to do and generally was quite bored. There’s only so much youtube you can watch and how much time you can spend on social media!

Then the idea came to me – why not start a blog?

It was free, would push me creatively and inspire me. My main inspirations were Zoella, Poppy Deyes and Tanya Burr because their blogs are so well laid out and beautiful and I hope my blog reaches that level of perfection one day but at the moment I’m still learning and my blog will only improve over time!

Two pieces of advice…

As I said, I’ve literally only been blogging for a few weeks so I still consider myself a new blogger but already I’ve learnt a ton of useful tips and information.

  1. Engage with your audience – blogging is a two way relationship; you can’t just publish blog posts and expect the likes, comments, views and followers to come to you! You have to go out there and like, follow, comment and view other people’s pages as well!
  2. Attend blog parties/meet and greets – don’t worry, these aren’t real life events you have to attend! All they are is someone creates a post and in the comments you paste a link to your blog or a particular post and also check out other people’s blogs in the comments. It’s a great way to meet new bloggers!


This post has been hugely popular so I doubt there are very many people who haven’t been nominated but I would like to nominate

  1. Chiarascorners
  2. Lacasabloga
  3. Jirah Merizz
  4. Ashleya Nicole
  5. Thatbeautyreviewer
  6. Rosinaleeblog
  7. Judiththereader
  8. Karalee
  9. Beetleypete
  10. fromdreamtoplan
  11. Bernadine
  12. MrsCraft
  13. prairiedreamerblog
  14. Beauty and the Ballroom
  15. Emimarieblog

I hope you enjoyed this post and make sure to check out all these amazing blogs!

Thank you for reading! xxx


34 thoughts on “Blogger recognition award

  1. beetleypete says:

    It is very kind of you to nominate me. I don’t actually’do’ awards on my blog, though I generally answer questions from any nominations, so will do that in this comment. When you are starting out, these awards are a great way to build a community, and to share contacts too.

    As for how I started? I retired from work, and moved from London to a very quiet life, in rural Norfolk. One of my friends suggested that I should start a blog. It began as a diary of my new life in Norfolk, and the differences from London. I then added lots of stories from my many years in the London Ambulance Service; followed by film reviews, musical recollections, and then fiction pieces. Later on, I added photos too, and continued to enjoy blogging, which has become a huge part of my life.

    As well as this blog, I have had film and cinema articles published on other sites, and also run a politically outspoken blog as a ‘hobby’.

    Carry on enjoying your blog, Alice. If you have 200+ followers already, you are obviously doing something right, and connecting with a blogging audience.

    My two pieces of advice?

    1) If you follow a blogger, comment on their posts. (And answer comments on yours too. Don’t just keep clicking ‘like’.)
    2) Don’t just expect to be ‘followed back’ immediately. You have to build a reputation.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

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